About Us
So you decided in addition to being a wife and mother you also want to be a business owner. And more importantly you want to excel in them all ....
For today's woman to remain rooted in her femininity and dominate in the business world, she must have a team that supports her dreams while understanding her responsibilities. Tiferet, Inc. is a corporate management services company which brings C-Level Executives to your fingertips without the hefty payroll expense. We provide operational strategies, financial advisory, human resource systems, branding design, and technology solutions to assist today's business woman in fulfilling her company's goals to the highest level possible.
Explore our site and discover the brands we presently represent. Visit our services to determine the area where your business may need to sustain, grow, or change all together. Our company provides one or all of our C-Level team for the finest brands to accompany them on their journey... and yours should be next. We are comprised of only the best officers, directors, researchers, and analysts; with a minimum of five years of experience, to ensure you have direct access to the finest skillset corporate management has to offer. We also spotlight women owned businesses every month to promote community, philanthropy, and support to women just like you!
So what are you waiting for? The life you have always dreamed of is for the taking and it is as close as a consultation call away!